what is msam
A unique scheme which will allow msam members to earn profit selling and managing relationships with industrial clients.
Abouts clients :- industries, hotel, society , construction site, college, etc. Payment conditions for most sales will be advanced. Milan safety might consider big multinational companies with good credit records for credit sales. Milan safety holds sole rights to decide/choose the same.
Role & responsibilities:-
major responsibility msam is sales and managing relationships with clients. Full coordination from sales pitch to payment received and after sales services.
Note :- if msam is not in touch with the client he/she loses the right to receive profit share.for future orders msam should be in touch with clients.
Calculating profit share :-
Msam profit share= sales amount (excluding gst)- milan safety dealers rate direct expense done for that sales /2 direct expense done for that sales means expense like delivery, sampling, transportation and any other done for the respective client.milan safety dealers rate means standard dealers rate which is available at milan safety.milan safety reserves rights to modify any time.
Payment transfer system:-
payment will be transferred on the 2nd of every month. Means payment from client in january will be calculated on 1st of feb and transferred on 2nd feb. Tds will be deducted as per government rules when required.
Procedure to become an msam & complete sales:- send id proof adhar card, pan card and completed msam application form on email,
you will receive a request for a meeting (if you don't receive the same. Please call milan safety 9699953532) . If you are selected.
Terms & condition agreement has to be signed.will be provided with product training followed by a test. After completing the same you will receive your msam number.
Congrats you are ready for sales. Terms and conditions:- milan safety reserves rights to make any changes any time in the msam scheme.

Join our MSAM plan now